Video & Music

                                    1776 Continental Congress (German artist)                  Greatness  of Vision Orchestrate Liberty and Freedom                                                                                                                                            
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

           True the Vote Epoch TV Video    (Links)    2000 Mules Video trailer  

According to a report by the CDC, 95 percent of the Americans who died from COVID-19 as of Aug. 7, 2022, had comorbidity that played a role in their deaths, such as influenza or pneumonia (44.2 percent), hypertension (18.2 percent), diabetes (13.6 percent), Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia's (10.3 percent), and sepsis (11 percent).

Deaths from heart attack, were coded as COVID-19 deaths, and even a death caused by a motorcycle accident.
BillsBS web Logo and # 2064146001

 ~25:00 min. Products II

  25:00 min. Products I                     Products Show Only Small Display . . . But Make Sure You Allow Enough Time . . . Sound included                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Statement by Donald J. Trump,

45th President of the United States of America


The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political “leaders” like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm. McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has rapidly driven him from Majority Leader to Minority Leader, and it will only get worse. The Democrats and Chuck Schumer play McConnell like a fiddle—they’ve never had it so good—and they want to keep it that way! We know our America First agenda is a winner, not McConnell’s Beltway First agenda or Biden’s America Last.


In 2020, I received the most votes of any sitting President in history, almost 75,000,000. Every incumbent House Republican won for the first time in decades, and we flipped 15 seats, almost costing Nancy Pelosi her job. Republicans won majorities in at least 59 of the 98 partisan legislative chambers, and the Democrats failed to flip a single legislative chamber from red to blue. And in “Mitch’s Senate,” over the last two election cycles, I single-handedly saved at least 12 Senate seats, more than eight in the 2020 cycle alone—and then came the Georgia disaster, where we should have won both U.S. Senate seats, but McConnell matched the Democrat offer of $2,000 stimulus checks with $600. How does that work? It became the Democrats’ principal advertisement, and a big winner for them it was. McConnell then put himself, one of the most unpopular politicians in the United States, into the advertisements. Many Republicans in Georgia voted Democrat, or just didn’t vote, because of their anguish at their inept Governor, Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and the Republican Party, for not doing its job on Election Integrity during the 2020 Presidential race.


It was a complete election disaster in Georgia, and certain other swing states. McConnell did nothing, and will never do what needs to be done in order to secure a fair and just electoral system into the future. He doesn’t have what it takes, never did, and never will.


My only regret is that McConnell “begged” for my strong support and endorsement before the great people of Kentucky in the 2020 election, and I gave it to him. He went from one point down to 20 points up, and won. How quickly he forgets. Without my endorsement, McConnell would have lost, and lost badly. Now, his numbers are lower than ever before, he is destroying the Republican side of the Senate, and in so doing, seriously hurting our Country.


Likewise, McConnell has no credibility on China because of his family’s substantial Chinese business holdings. He does nothing on this tremendous economic and military threat.  


Mitch is a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack, and if Republican Senators are going to stay with him, they will not win again. He will never do what needs to be done, or what is right for our Country. Where necessary and appropriate, I will back primary rivals who espouse Making America Great Again and our policy of America First. We want brilliant, strong, thoughtful, and compassionate leadership. 


Prior to the pandemic, we produced the greatest economy and jobs numbers in the history of our Country, and likewise, our economic recovery after Covid was the best in the world. We cut taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Vets, became energy independent, built the wall and stopped the massive inflow of illegals into our Country, and so much more. And now, illegals are pouring in, pipelines are being stopped, taxes will be going up, and we will no longer be energy independent.


This is a big moment for our country, and we cannot let it pass by using third rate “leaders” to dictate our future!



Rush Limbaugh had a final warning about America 

Rush Limbaugh had a warning to America.

He announced this dire warning on his radio show.

Rush said that if America did not stop the far left and their plan to implement socialism, they would destroy America.

Rush posted the message on his website with this powerful headline: "It's Time to Rise Up and Defeat the Socialist Left."

Rush began his warning about socialism talking about abortion.

For years, Rush complained that liberals and even some Republicans "have approached me and told me that I have to get the party to stop talking about abortion, that it's killing us [the Republican Party]."

Rush continued: "Now, don't have a knee-jerk reaction and tune out here. This has a point. They would tell me, 'We're losing elections because we have a Christian or Religious Right position on abortion, and we're targeting ourselves. We just have to forget it. We are fiscal conservatives, but we've got to stop this conservative social issue stuff because it's killing us.'"

So what did abortion have to do with socialism?

Rush explained: "This is about the fundamental thing we all only have one of, and it's a life, and we have a political party which is pushing every day for the right to kill whoever they think is inconvenient — and they're gonna do it one way or the other. They're gonna do it with law. They're gonna do it with healthcare, and every time I would point this out, they would pooh-pooh me and say that I was being paranoid and irrational, and abortion was a standalone issue that didn't have any growth features. It just was what it was.

"I could not find a way to get through to them and tell them that this was not just about babies and women's rights to choose and all this. It was about what kind of country we were eventually gonna have. If these people who revel, who celebrate the right to kill little children . . . if those people continue to gain power and don't pay a price for that . . . But I got nowhere . . .

"They didn't want to hear about any culture war . . . They didn't understand that Democrats were liberals, were socialists, were communists, budding communists.

"They didn't understand that," Rush said, slapping his desk, the sound echoing from radio speakers across America.

Rush explained that Joe Biden was a pawn in implementing this socialist agenda — nothing more than a puppet of Barack Obama!

"I don't think Obama has given up any control over the Democrat Party whatsoever," Rush said. "I mean, how the hell does Biden become the Democrat nominee in the first place and then get elected president? How the hell does that happen, of all people."

And then Rush made clear that socialism "is what the Democrat Party stands for."

He urged his listeners not to fall for the media spin about the Democrats' agenda, but to beware of their real plans.

"That's what Joe Biden wants to do. Biden, Pelosi, all these Democrats — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whoever you think — Crazy Bernie," Rush said with a sigh.

Rush is right. America is at a crossroads.